CI/CD Resiliency
Our best practices in Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) will ensure your IT and DevOps are orchestrated to manage deployments that scale. Customer Reliability is our first priority. Intecore understands the logarithmic value in ensuring customers are not interrupted by delivery outages or uncoupled deliveries across domains. Our synchronous deployment strategies among multiple source-code repositories will ensure your intellectual properties are deployed with operational efficiency and resiliency..
Choose a branch. Choose an environment. Deploy. Value.
Branching as
a Strategy
Branching as a Strategy is leveraging your Git, AWS, and/or your Azure DevOps repositories to setup your target deployment environments. Whether managing a full pipeline of Development, QA, UAT, Staging to Production, Intecore’s experience in reducing operating costs while increasing production deployment quality will help you achieve one-click deployments, while experiencing consistent releases at any phase of the Software Development LifeCycle (SDLC).